At dawn about 4 Porpoises near Oban.
28th: West wind: 1 Golden Eagle stooped on some Hooded Crows at Haunn. The actual attack was out of view but I think it must have been unsuccessful as the eagle rose up again and the crows harassed it. There was another eagle much higher up that was probably a White-tailed Eagle. 1 male Hen Harrier at Haunn.
27th: 1 White-tailed Eagle along coast below Treshnish House.
26th: Leena saw an White-tailed Eagle at Achnachaoil (the old black-houses between Haunn and Crackaig - not named on OS maps).
15th: At least 2 Purple Sandpipers & 3 Turnstones at Lainne Sgeir, Calgary, 1 Common Scoter off Calgary pier.
13th: 2 Golden Eagles (incl 1 juvenile) over Ensay (these birds have no regard for the north wind rule - the wind was southerly),
1 immature White-tailed Eagle over Langamull car park,
2 Whooper Swans at Loch Peallach, Mishnish.
2 Purple Sandpipers at Lainne Sgeir, Calgary, 1 Black-headed Gull at Calgary cemetery, 1 Greenshank, 5 Redshanks, 1 Little Grebe at Dervaig.
6th: 1 Common Scoter between Lainne Sgeir and the pier, Calgary and 1 Sanderling on Calgary beach.
Had my closest ever encounter with a sitting White-tailed Eagle beside the road above Lainne Sgeir. It was very poor light conditions. It was an immature and Carolyne told me that a White-tailed Eagle was also seen carrying a branch like object at Treshnish Point which I thought could also have been a deer leg.
5th: 2 Sanderlings and 1 Dunlin at Calgary beach. I can't be 100% sure of the Dunlin but it was either a Dunlin or Curlew Sandpiper. There were some other waders there and it was getting dark but I think the others were all Ringed Plovers. 1 Merlin and 1 probable Golden Eagler over Treshnish wood.
4th: West to northwest wind brought the Golden Eagle pair calling and displaying over Treshnish wood and lochan saw off an intruding Golden Eagle. I think the intruder is an an adult although it has quite a pale tail. I am having computer problems so photos will have to wait.
3rd: Northwest wind brought Golden Eagle pair over Treshnish wood.
1st: Northwest wind brought Golden Eagle pair calling over Treshnish north coast.